One of the biggest questions City Wide hears every year is: When should I turn on my air conditioner? As we know in the Kansas City area, the weather really starts to heat up in early May once we start getting rain the humidity ramps up.
The problem is most people wait until that first really hot day to turn on their air conditioner. Usually the best time to turn it on for the first time is when you really don’t need it yet. In this area we know that we will always get a 70 degree day either in March or April. And this year, we’ve really had a few warm days that qualify.
So why do it early? Because a large bulk of air conditioner issues happen when you first turn it on for the season. And if yours happens to break, there is less demand at that time and our service department can get to you earlier. If you wait until that first really hot day, demand really picks up and it may be more difficult to get to your home.
Before you turn it on, we would just offer a little advice:
- Make sure you have a clean filter in your furnace. A dirty filter makes your system work a little harder because it restricts air flow. And restricted air flow can lead to your air conditioning system freezing up.
- Wash out your air conditioner. A dirty air conditioner can cause the same issues because you don’t have proper air flow through your air conditioner. It also puts more load on the electrical components as well.
If you are not comfortable doing either of those, contact the office at 913-384-6006 and we would be happy to do that for you!