5 Things to Know Before Kansas City’s AC Season Is in Full Blast

It’s finally spring in Kansas City, and summer is close behind. But before it warms up too much, there are some things you should know about your air conditioner. Like, did you know that out of all the appliances in your home, your air conditioner is the biggest consumer of energy? City Wide Heating & Cooling wants to help you, so we compiled a list of ways to help you keep that energy bill down this season:

Avoid Turning Your Air Conditioner Off

This mistake could cost you some big bucks. Many people think turning your air conditioner off when you’re not home saves you money, but it’s actually costing you more! Your air conditioner uses a lot more energy to start back up and re-cool your home, than it would to continue keeping your home at a steady temperature. That brings us to our next bit of advice . . .

a picture of a thermostatKeep Your Thermostat Steady

Instead of turning off your air conditioner when you leave your home, adjust your thermostat. Turn your thermostat up 7 to 10 degrees when you are away, and if you can, keep your air conditioner somewhere between 75 and 78 degrees at all times. These small changes can save you up to 10 percent on your annual heating and cooling bills.

Get an Annual AC Tune-Up

Scheduling an annual tune up for your air conditioner can keep your system more efficient, which can result in great savings. Air conditioners that don’t receive a regular tune-up can lose up to five percent efficiency a year. And the cost of regular maintenance is much cheaper than having to pay for a new air conditioner when it breaks down.

Don’t Rely Too Heavily on Your Air Conditioner

Don’t rely solely on your air conditioner. There are other ways to keep cool. Try drawing the blinds before you leave the house. By doing this during the hottest part of the day (between 12-4 p.m.), it will prevent the sun’s rays from sneaking into your home and raising the temperature.  Also, make sure you’re using your ceiling fans to their maximum potential. They can help make a room feel cooler when used to supplement your AC unit. Adjust your ceiling fans so they spin counter clockwise, which will allow for a downdraft of cool air. This little trick can make a room feel up to eight degrees cooler!

For more money saving tips when it comes to your energy bills, read our article on Top 8 Tips to Save Money on Energy Bills While You’re On Vacation.

To schedule your air conditioner tune-up this season, call City Wide!

How to Tell When You Need an Air Conditioner Tune-Up

Warmer weather is on the way! which means your air conditioner is going to be running more often and working harder. It probably sat dormant all winter, so we came up with a few things to look out for. Here are some signs you might need an A/C tune-up.

Your Energy Bills Are Sky High

This is an easy way to tell if you have a problem. In the early months of spring and summer your air conditioner shouldn’t be working too hard, so if you have a large energy bill you probably have an issue. If your air conditioner is not working at its prime it could be sucking-up more energy to get the job done. Read tips for staying cool in this article 3 Tips for Staying Cooling Without Cranking the AC.

Dirty air conditioner filter causes high electric bills

You Notice Odd Noises

It’s normal for your air conditioner to make some noise the first time it’s turned on for the year. However, if it keeps making noises hours after, there might be an underlying issue. Noises like whooshing or buzzing are normal when it’s first turned on and are usually just the air compressor working to get started. Noises to watch out for though, are squeals and roars that don’t go away. If you experience this, it’s probably time to call in the professionals.

The Temperature in Your Home Doesn’t Match the Thermostat

If you notice your room is much warmer or cooler than the thermostat setting it could be one of two things. Check your thermostat first to make sure the batteries are working. If the thermostat is running fine, then it’s probably your air conditioner. In that case, check your air filters to make sure they’re clean and change them if they’re dirty. If they’re already clean, it’s time to call City Wide!

Thermostat settings for air conditioner

For any heating or cooling services, call City Wide. And be sure to check out our website for special deals and promotions!

How a Late Season Furnace Tune-Up Can Help your Home During Air Conditioner Season

Winter is winding down in Kansas City, which means your furnace has been working hard for a few months now. But is it too late to schedule a late season furnace tune-up? The technicians at City Wide Heating & Cooling don’t think so. In fact, it will actually benefit your home during air conditioner season to schedule a furnace tune-up now.

Your Heating & Cooling System Work Hand in Hand

In most homes, your cooling system is a part of the central heating system. Why? Both your furnace and air conditioner share the same ductwork to spread heat or air throughout your home. Because of this, when one system is tuned-up and working at its peak efficiency, the other system will work better as well. When your heating and cooling system is operating at its peak efficiency, you are saving money on your energy bills.

40% of All Furnace Breakdowns are Caused by Dirt Buildup

Did you know that 40% of all furnace breakdowns are caused by dirt buildup? When the parts of your furnace are dirty, they are causing the system to work slower, until eventually it breaks down. Your air conditioner unit also depends on these parts to work properly. When you call a heating and cooling company to tune-up your furnace they will check the cleanliness of your system, in addition to checking your blower motor, electrical connections, control boards and more.

To schedule a late season furnace tune-up, contact City Wide Heating & Cooling at 913-384-6006.

Top 8 Tips to Save Money on Energy Bills While You’re on Vacation

Ahh, it’s finally summer vacation time. But before you run off to the beach, take a few minutes to “vacationize” your Kansas City home so you don’t waste money on energy while no one is home. City Wide has compiled the top eight tips to save money on energy bills while you’re away.


Turn Up Your Thermostat – while most people turn off their air conditioning completely, City Wide Heating and Cooling recommends that you simply turn it up. Since one of the main functions of your air conditioner is to remove humidity from the air, when you turn the AC off altogether, your house gets full of moisture. When you return home, the air is stale and sticky and it takes your unit a long time to remove all of the humidity.


Turn Down the Water Heater – You can either turn down the temperature or turn it off completely. There is no reason to heat a tank full of water 24/7 when no one will be using it. You may want to leave a sticky note on the fridge to remind you to turn it on/up again when you get home so you don’t end up with a cold shower the next morning. Also, note the temperature you had it set for. If you forget, 120 degrees is ideal for most homeowners.


Change the Filter – changing the air conditioner filter will help your system run better and also ensures that it doesn’t stop working while you’re gone because of a dirty filter that blocks the air flow.


Turn Off Ceiling Fans – ceiling fans don’t lower the temperature of a room, they simply circulate air. Moving makes us feel cooler by making the moisture on our skin evaporate. There’s no one there to enjoy the feeling of moving air, so why waste the energy.


Close Curtains and Blinds – heat from the sun will add quite a few degrees to a room simply shining through the window. Close all curtains and blinds before you leave town. (This also adds a measure of security by keeping people from being able to see inside your home and determine that you’re gone.)


Unplug Your Washing Machine and Dryer – Even if they aren’t used, just being plugged in allows these appliances to draw “vampire” energy. If the plugs are not in a convenient place, you can also just flip the breaker in the electrical box. Again, leave yourself a note to flip it back when you get home.  You may even want to err on the side of caution and turn the water off to the washer as well. That way, if a hose or a pipe bursts while you’re gone, you won’t come home to a flooded home.


Unplug Small Appliances – This will not only save you energy, it will also prevent an accidental electrical short from starting a fire.


Turn Your Refrigerator and Freezer Temperature Up – You can actually turn your refrigerator up to 38 degrees Fahrenheit without any food spoiling. You’ll want to remove any vegetables or perishables. You can also turn your freezer up to -5 degrees Fahrenheit and still keep items frozen.


Enjoy your vacation and don’t worry about the house while you’re gone. And go ahead and splurge a little on something knowing that you’re saving money on energy while you’re away! Remember City Wide Heating and Cooling in Kansas City  when you need heating and cooling repairs or installations in Kansas City.


3 Tips to Staying Cool without Cranking the AC

We know that summertime in Kansas City brings high temperatures. However this year that does not have to mean high-energy bills. Instead, avoid cranking your air conditioner this summer and keep your home cool with these tips from City Wide Heating and Cooling!


Check Your Home’s Insulation to Avoid Wasting AC

Most people only think of insulating their homes in the winter when they can feel cold drafts. However hot air can creep in just as surely as cold, especially during the hot summer months. A simple way of finding drafts in your home is to walk around the interior of your house with a candle. When the candle begins to flicker around doors or windows, simply add a small line of weather stripping or caulk.

Draw the Blinds to Keep the Heat Out

A simple way to keep from having to crank the thermostat is to keep your blinds or curtains drawn during the hottest part of the day. Preventing those extra rays of sun from sneaking into your Kansas City area home can make a huge difference for your inside temperature. Try keeping your blinds drawn from 12-4 PM to experience the biggest savings.

Help Rooms Feel Cooler with Fans

Did you know that using a fan does not actually make a room any cooler? In fact, fans just make a room feel cooler. When the breeze begins to circulate around a room, it helps to evaporate sweat and reduce body heat. Ceiling fans are the best at moving air, but box fans or stand fans are also effective in helping to make a room feel cooler.

So there you have it, three tips to help you keep your home cool this summer! For more AC tips, give City Wide a call! Our team of experienced professionals provides air conditioning services to the entire Kansas City area, from AC repairs in Overland Park to air conditioner installations in Shawnee, and anywhere in between.

Family Matters at City Wide Heating and Cooling

At City Wide Heating and Cooling, we’re a family owned business. Our father, Charles “Chuck” Duval started in heating and cooling in 1949. Back then, forced air heating was just becoming the standard. He helped to sell furnaces and air conditioners to home and business owners throughout the Kansas City area. Chuck always taught us the value of good customer service. Though he retired in 1988, we (five of his sons) carry on that proud tradition. When you hire City Wide for your furnace and air conditioner repairs and replacements, you can expect skilled technicians, incredible customer service and 100% satisfaction guaranteed. We hope you’ll give us a chance to become your favorite heating and cooling company in Kansas City!