Not Enough Humidity in Your Home? Add Some!

Humidifier helps with dry skin in KC homes.How many times have you walked across your Kansas City area living room in the winter, touched a door knob, and shocked your finger to the point where it makes you jump back a little bit?

And then, 20 minutes later you do it again. But why does this happen, and what can you do about it?

Humidity BAD in Summer, but GOOD in Winter

Your home is dry. When winter comes along, the humidity that we feel all summer goes away. The dry air that is outside is also inside as well. Consequently, you start to build up the static electricity that causes that “shocking” experience with your door handle.

But a dry home also causes other issues. Your wood floors or furniture can start to crack because the wood starts to dry out over the winter.

Your skin starts to become itchy and your sinuses start to get dry because there is no moisture in the air to keep you comfortable. This can lead to all kinds of issues with your health.

Dry air also feels colder. As we know from summer, humid air makes us feel warm. So the question is, how do you fix all of these issues?

Install A Humidifier In Your KC Area Home

A whole-house humidifier is the answer to your prayers. A humidifier hooks up to your furnace and your thermostat and adds the proper amount of moisture to your home to alleviate the issues that you face with a dry home.

A humidifier can make you feel more comfortable AND save you a few bucks on your heating bills. When you feel warmer, you tend to turn the thermostat down a degree or two. On top of that, you should see less static shock and skin that feels more comfortable.

A humidifier can be installed in just about any home. You can install a humidifier in Overland Park homes, older homes in the Waldo and Mission Hills area, and everywhere in between.

Add one today, and take “charge” (get it) of your comfort this winter!

Why It’s Never Too Late To Have Your Furnace Tuned-Up

Furnace tune-up photo in KCIn the Kansas City area, most homeowners turn their furnaces on for the first time when that first cold night shows up in the September or October time frame. If you are like most people, you don’t really worry about your furnace. You only care if it is keeping you warm and toasty.

But, it’s a good idea to have it checked once in awhile. Like a car, a furnace is a mechanical device, and here are a few reasons WHY you need to have it maintained.

Furnace Tune-Ups Save You Money

A furnace that is maintained on a regular basis will actually run better. This is because the technician will clean the system and replace the filter. When a furnace is cleaned, it will actually run more efficiently. This will save you money on your utility bills over the long term.

Furnace Maintenance Can Also Keep Your Family Safe and Sound

As furnaces age, they also get wear and tear on the internal parts. This could lead to gas or electrical issues that can be discovered ahead of time during routine maintenance.

The technician will also check to make sure there isn’t any deadly carbon monoxide being produced and released in your home. A simple yearly check can keep your family warm and safe.

Your Furnace Will Also Last Longer

When you perform regular maintenance on your heating system, you keep it clean and running efficiently. Because it’s not having to work as hard, it can actually last longer than a furnace that has been poorly maintained.

This saves KC area homeowners money in the long term because you aren’t having to replace that system as often.

Any time of the year is a good time to get your furnace maintained. City Wide Heating and Cooling always has technicians available to make sure you are safe and comfortable in your Kansas City area home.

Time For Air Conditioner Tune-ups in Kansas City

It looks like winter/spring/summer is right around the corner. At some point, the weather is going to get hot, and with all the rain we’ve had in the Kansas City area, that means we are going to have a really humid summer. Your air conditioner is really going to work overtime, which means it’s time to get it tuned up.

City Wide Heating and Cooling performs air conditioner tune-ups throughout the entire Kansas City area. An air conditioner tune-up checks your system to make sure that it is ready to run efficiently through the whole summer season. The City Wide performance tune-up:

  • Helps your AC run better = lower utility bills
  • Identifies possible issues before they happen
  • Helps your air conditioner last longer

City Wide has been serving the Kansas City area for over 60 years for both repairs, installations, and tune-ups of air conditioners and furnaces. So, if you are looking to avoid an air conditioner repair in Overland Park, Olathe, or anywhere in between, call us today. we’ll be happy to schedule your air conditioner maintenance today.

Furnace Flue Deterioration A Problem In Kansas City Homes

Flue deterioration in your Kansas City area house is a “silent” problem. Flue deterioration in your houses’ attic has become a major problem in many homes across the Kansas City area.  The scope of the problem lies in your gas furnace and water heater flue where the metal pipe enters the attic and exits thru the roof.

The “hot” flue gas temperatures when they leave the appliances “cool” considerably by the time they reach the attic space.  The combination of this cooler flue and a cold attic in the winter turn the products of combustion (co2 or carbon monoxide) into moisture where it rots out the flue. This is extremely important because once the flue disintegrates, deadly carbon monoxide can fill your Kansas City area home.

Furthermore, many homes built before more stringent codes were enacted allowed for a single wall pipe be run where the vent penetrates the attic and where it enters the roof jack before it exits the roof.  This is where the problem occurs and issues need to be addressed.

Exacerbating the problem is that many furnaces installed in the last 25 years with an efficiency rating of 80% efficient produce less heat than its predecessor, which compounds the problem.  A 90% plus efficiency furnace which flues thru the side of the house in PVC (plastic) pipe and not in the traditional flue is not immune to problems because again the only heat producing appliance now in effect is the water heater.

What Areas In Kansas City Are An Issue?

Although many parts of the K.C. metro area are affected, the main suspect area is Johnson County between 63rd St. from the north to 103rd St. to the south, and from Metcalf Ave. from the west to State Line Rd. to the east.

It’s tough to detect because the furnace and water heater are operating normally, and unless the attic is visually inspected you cannot be 100% sure if there is or isn’t a problem.

One person whose flue had completely disintegrated complained that his ceilings were discolored.  Upon professional inspection the flue gas was dumping into the attic and moisture from the products of combustion was contaminating the fiberglass insulation causing the moisture to ruin his sheet rock.

For a nominal fee City Wide will perform a visual inspection in the attic and where the furnace and water heater tie in together in the basement.  An evaluation will be given, and if adjustments need to be made, a written bid will be presented to correct the problems and bring them up to current local codes.

So call us if you need your furnace flue checked in Overland Park, Prairie Village, and all other Kansas City areas. If the homeowner chooses City Wide to perform the work quoted, we will waive the inspection fee. Call today to schedule!